@article{oai:kougei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000326, author = {高橋, 圭子 and TAKAHASHI, Keiko}, issue = {1}, journal = {東京工芸大学工学部紀要, The Academic Reports, the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University}, month = {}, note = {Proteins are natural polymers which are assembled under nucleic acid control from a menu comprising L-α-amino acids. Peptide bonds link the building blocks, giving macromolecules with polypeptide backbones and side-chains containing a variety of simple functionalities according to the amino acids selected. The structures are elaborated by non-covalent association, which is the fundamental concept of "supramolecular chemistry"., 4, KJ00001512085, 解説, Feature Article}, pages = {12--20}, title = {チョウブンシカガク ト タンパクシツカガク}, volume = {22}, year = {1999}, yomi = {タカハシ, ケイコ} }