@article{oai:kougei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000268, author = {北, 均 and 木村, 瑞生 and 五十嵐, 圭一 and 北川, 駿 and KITA, Hitoshi and KIMURA, Mizuo and IGARASHI, Keiichi and KITAGAWA, Takashi}, issue = {1}, journal = {東京工芸大学工学部紀要, The Academic Reports, the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University}, month = {}, note = {The jogging recently becomes popular for health improvement and an increasing number of citizen participates in various types of sports including marathon. Therefore it is important to understand the physical changes agrainst the sport burden to avoid accidents. 43 students in university sport clubs were subject to experiment by loading on 8.5km running. Blood and serum were colleded before runningas control, 10 min and 6 hrs after runing for analysis. Hemoglobin concentration increased slightly 10 min after running, then decreased. Total serum protein increased significantly (p<0.01) 10 min after running and slightly decreased 6 hrs after running. The 24 serum protein components 10 min after running was higher than that before running. Especially, it was prominent in albumin (p<0.01). 0n the other hand only haptoglobin 10 min after running was lower than that before running. In comparison with concentration between before and 6 hrs after running most protein components tend to decrease, and especially haptoglobin was significantly decreased (p<0.01). From these results we speculate that haptoglobin was a key protein to evaluate the physical condition for sport loading., 3, KJ00001512043, 論文, Article}, pages = {1--8}, title = {ウンドウゼンゴ ニオケル ケッショウタンパク ノ ヘンドウ}, volume = {19}, year = {1996}, yomi = {キタ, ヒトシ and キムラ, ミズオ and イガラシ, ケイイチ and キタガワ, タカシ} }