@article{oai:kougei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001938, author = {鍛, 佳代子 and 西村, 圭太 and 相, 尚寿 and KITAI, Kayoko and NISHIMURA, Keita and AI, Hisatoshi}, issue = {1}, journal = {東京工芸大学工学部紀要, The Academic Reports, the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University}, month = {Jun}, note = {本研究では、神奈川県厚木市の主要道路14路線を対象に、時間 帯別の自動車走行速度の変化を分析対象とする。 特に走行速度の低下、すなわち混雑の発生する区間について、 道路環境として車線数、中央分離帯の有無、制限速度、道路上を 運行するバスの情報としてバス運行本数とバス形状に着目し、速度 低下との関係性を分析する。, Traffic congestion is one of the important issue in the suburbs of metropolitan area. This research aims to discuss the relationship between the travel speed of vehicles on the road network and the bus operations on the network in Atsugi City, Kanagawa. We plotted bus stops and attached number of bus services per hour and the form of the bus stop to those point data. The result shows the tendency that the shorter the time interval of bus service is, the slower the travel speed of vehicles is. We also need further analysis to explain the fact we found that the travel speed of vehicles is faster when there is no space for buses to stop at the bus stop rather than the case there is a little space for the buses to stop.}, pages = {16--26}, title = {神奈川県厚木市におけるバス運行と交通状況の関係性の分析}, volume = {41}, year = {2018}, yomi = {キタイ, カヨコ and ニシムラ, ケイタ and アイ, ヒサトシ} }