@article{oai:kougei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000139, author = {服部, 憲治郎 and 高橋, 圭子 and HATTORI, Kenjiro and TAKAHASHI, Keiko}, issue = {1}, journal = {東京工芸大学工学部紀要, The Academic Reports, the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University}, month = {}, note = {A study of chemical education applying the graphic function or personal computers was carried out in various ways for the 120 students who were major in the Applied Chemistry in this Institute. The software program of molecular structure displaying a molecular shape accompanying rotation, partial rotation, enlargement, reduction, and the change of the substituents. The students used these programs in the Exercise for the Organic Stereochemistry. For this CAI course, 63% of the student recognized perfectly the operation of the soft- and hardware and 83% of them was stimulated and interested in the Stereochemistry. Another commercially available CAl softwares were tried to use including in the field such as "distilation" and "periodical table". PLATO CAI systems and BASIC programming were also adopted in the Exercise. The problems of the present CAI in the Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics, are discussed and the future CAl systems for this Institute are suggested., 8, KJ00001511923, 論文, Article}, pages = {31--41}, title = {パソコン ノ グラフィック キノウ ノ オウヨウ ニ ヨル カガク キョウイク}, volume = {10}, year = {1987}, yomi = {ハットリ, ケンジロウ and タカハシ, ケイコ} }