@article{oai:kougei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000124, author = {高橋, 圭子 and UEMATSU, Masazumi and SONEDA, Yukihiro and 服部, 憲治郎 and TAKAHASHI, Keiko and UEMATSU, Masazumi and SONEDA, Yukihiro and HATTORI, Kenjiro}, issue = {1}, journal = {東京工芸大学工学部紀要, The Academic Reports, the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University}, month = {}, note = {The effects of adding various cyclodextrins (α-,β- and γ-cyclodextrin) on the redox reaction between N-alky1-1, 4-dihydronicotinamide (hydride ion donnor) and ninhydrin (hydride ion acceptor) in aqueous solutions were studied kinetically. These reactions proceed through the hydride ion donnor-acceptor complex (CT complex) formation without cyclodextrin (CD). The presence of CD especially affects the reduction with N-benzy1-1,4-dihydronicotinamide (BNAH). β-CD is most effective for decreasing the reduction rate in three CDs. β-CD inhibited the formation of the CT complex by including BNAH molecule, which caused a decrease in the reaction rate. β-CD also completely inhibited the hydration of BNAH. γ-CD also included BNAH, however, it had little effect on the reduction rate constant. α-CD had no effect on both the reduction and the hydration. These inhibition behaviors were caused by an inclusion complex formation with CD., 10, KJ00002353295, 論文, Article}, pages = {46--52}, title = {The Effects of Cyclodextrins on the Reduction of Ninhydrin with N-Alky1-1, 4-dihydronicotinamides}, volume = {9}, year = {1986}, yomi = {タカハシ, ケイコ and ハットリ, ケンジロウ} }