@article{oai:kougei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000103, author = {清水, 擴 and SHIMIZU, Hiroshi}, issue = {1}, journal = {東京工芸大学工学部紀要, The Academic Reports, the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University}, month = {}, note = {平等院阿弥陀堂(通称・鳳凰堂)は藤原摂関家の栄華を今に伝える唯一の建築遺構であり,また浄土教芸術の最も優れた遺品でもある.しかし道長によって造営された法成寺に比較すれば遙かに規模は小さく,また『栄花物語』などの文学作品においても,法成寺に対する熱のこもった描写に比して,平等院についてはほとんど触れられていないことから,平等院は芸術的あるいは建築的価値において法成寺に一歩譲るものと評されがちであった.しかし両者を比較した場合,同じ浄土教建築ではあってもその存在形態には対照的な相違点があり,その優劣を論じることにはさはどの意味を見出せない.本稿では平等院の持つ独自性について,特に法成寺と対比させながら論じてみたい., Byodo-in Hoodo is one of the most eminent architectures in Heian era. The form of "Hoodo" is very peculiar and unprecedented. I think the reason of the creation of the form is as follows. "Hoodo" was constructed as the three-dimensional form of "Jodo-Hensozu", the picture describing Buddhist Heaven. This matter is proved by the fact that "Kogosho" was built in front of "Hoodo" to worship it, and such facility was very unique. By the way, "Jodo-Hensozu" were imported from China, and in the scenes of several "Hensozu", architectures which have strong resemblance to the composition of "Hoodo" are described., 11, KJ00001511904, 論文, Article}, pages = {65--72}, title = {ビョウドウイン ノ ガラン ト ソノ セイカク}, volume = {8}, year = {1985}, yomi = {シミズ, ヒロシ} }